Removal of equipment - 8 rejuvenating facial treatments without pain and scars

To maintain the beauty and youth of the face, it is not necessary to lie under the scalp of a plastic surgeon. Thanks to technological progress and active development of the cosmetics industry, it is possible to improve the appearance and maintain the freshness of the skin with the help of lifting techniques. The correct selection and combination of procedures will help you look 10-15 years younger, so cosmetic clinics have a constant demand for such services. But before you decide to renovate the equipment, you should get acquainted with its main types, their features and also discuss with a specialist the presence of contraindications. This approach will allow you to individually choose a set of procedures that will suit a specific patient and suit him in all aspects.

What is hardware cosmetology for facial rejuvenation

Cosmetology hardware combines rejuvenating and healing manipulations, which are performed using special equipment. The advantages of this technique include:

  • high efficiency;
  • impact not only on the superficial layers of the skin, but also on deep structures, subcutaneous tissues;
  • complete absence or low degree of pain during the session;
  • almost immediate manifestation of positive change;
  • versatility
  • - hardware cosmetology can solve many problems with the skin of the face or body;
  • does not need long-term recovery (as after surgery).

The main disadvantages are the side effects (most often minor - peeling, swelling, redness), as well as the need for a short period of rehabilitation or compliance with certain rules. In addition, there is a high risk of contacting not a professional doctor, but with an amateur, whose manipulations can lead to complications.

Principle of operation, result

Cosmetology of devices is based on the ability to penetrate micro currents, laser beams, light, ultrasonic waves or radio deep into the skin, followed by stimulation of hidden reserves and activation of regenerative properties. The result of such an effect is the erection of the contours of the face, the softening of its relief, the level of tone, the elimination of expression or age wrinkles, the folds, the bags under the eyes.The action of the devices is also directed at the capillary walls and the improvement of microcirculation processes, which allows you to remove dark circles under the eyes, eliminate the signs of hyperpigmentation.

To increase the effect, to extend its durability, it is recommended to combine traditional cosmetology techniques with hardware methods.


Equipment lifting techniques can be recommended by a cosmetologist when:

  • decreases skin tone, dullness, fading;
  • appearance of fine wrinkles;
  • uneven skin relief;
  • deterioration of the severity of existing wrinkles or imitation of folds, vertical grooves;
  • bruises or bags under the eyes;
  • wings;
  • second beard;
  • enlarged pores, acne, acne after acne;
  • kuperoza;
  • feather or age-related hyperpigmentation;
  • presence of signs, marks, stretch marks.

The main purpose of lifting equipment is to regenerate the skin, giving it freshness and elasticity. Therefore, after 25 years, you can perform preventive procedures that will maintain the normal condition of the skin.

For all its effectiveness, the active impact of hardware devices has a number of contraindications, which include pregnancy with lactation, serious neurological or mental disorders, the presence of chronic pathologies, autoimmune diseases, blood diseases, infectious processesor oncological, the presence of foreign bodies in the body.

The most effective hardware procedures for facial rejuvenation

Today there are many types of cosmetic hardware procedures and their variations. Below is a list of the most effective and safest, according to experts.

RF removal


The most popular procedure in which skin structures are exposed to powerful pulses of radio waves emitted by a particular device.As a result, the process of activating the metabolism begins, fat cells are destroyed, fibroblasts are stimulated - the "youth cells" responsible for collagen production.

Due to the fact that the design of the device allows you to adjust the intensity of the radio emission, the technique can be applied to different areas of the face, as well as décolleté, neck and chest. In most cases, to achieve the desired appearance, patients need from 5 to 8 sessions, the frequency of which is determined individually.

The main advantage of fractional RF-removal is the complete absence of a rehabilitation period, minor side effects in the form of dry skin. The main disadvantage is a mild effect after 45 years. Although, if you combine this technique with biorevitalization, then performing radio wave sessions is justified even at 60 years old.

Face Shift for Microwave Hardware

During the renewal session, the device operates in problem areas with weak low frequency current pulses. This stimulates the natural potential of old or weakened cells of the superficial and deep layers, activates their regeneration, simultaneously affecting the facial vessels and muscle structures. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, during which the beautician smoothly moves a special applicator along the massage lines, in the direction from the center of the face to its periphery. At the same time, patients do not experience much discomfort, except perhaps a tingling sensation in particularly sensitive areas.

The most positive feature of microcream is the instant face lift. But this does not mean that one procedure is enough for rejuvenation - the effect after the first sessions lasts only a few days.Only a physiotherapy course consisting of 7-10 procedures can provide a long-term result.


A method of rejuvenation through exposure to low temperatures on the skin surface. In this case, a natural skin reaction arises, which consists of a sharp narrowing and subsequent dilation of blood vessels, as a result of which blood circulation is activated, oxygen supply and increased metabolic processes.

Cold treatment has been practiced since ancient times - Galen and Hippocrates recommended taking ice baths to cure many diseases.

Before and after cryotherapy

With the help of cryotherapy, you can not only improve skin tone and elasticity, eliminate wrinkles on the face, neck or décolleté, but also get rid of defects such as:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • puçrrat;
  • age spots;
  • lythat;
  • signs.

In most beauty salons, the procedure is performed using a cryo spray that cools the skin down to -180 ° C. However, the use of cryo electrophoresis - subcutaneous injection of frozen preparations under the influence of a pulsating current - is consideredmore modern and effective life. For a full effect, 9 to 12 sessions will be needed.In addition to the characteristic contraindications of hardware cosmetology, cryolifting should not be performed on patients with hypersensitivity to the cold.

Refresh photos

The hardware technique of gentle action does not lead to trauma and the appearance of traces of any intervention. The procedure consists of treating the problem areas with a special applicator that emits powerful light. Penetrated quite deep (up to 3 cm), they promote gentle heating of deep structures and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen fibers. After a photolifting course, you can see the following positive changes:

  • extension of facial tone;
  • narrowing of the pores;
  • contour tightening;
  • elimination or reduction of the depth of wrinkles, folds;
  • reduction of rosacea manifestations.

Disadvantages of the technique include the lack of an immediate result - the first manifestations of the effect are noted only after 1. 5 months, low efficiency after 55 years, a rather high price and seasonality (it is undesirable to perform light exposurein summer).

Laser renovation

A technique based on simultaneous action on the deep and surface layers. High-temperature laser beam corrects surface defects and, by penetrating deeply, stimulates internal self-healing, the synthesis of beneficial ingredients, which leads to natural regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin surface. Despite its low invasiveness, the procedure is considered difficult and is performed in a stationary environment, and also requires a short rehabilitation period.

LPG massage

An effective method to combat the first signs of aging, superficial wrinkles. The success of LPG massage lies in the simultaneous operation of special rollers and vacuum, which allows it to act on subcutaneous fat, to stimulate collagen production. Also, the procedure is good in that it does not require rehabilitation and is almost never associated with side effects. Moreover, such a massage is expensive, and the full course consists of 10-15 procedures.


Technology, during the implementation of which a complex of optical and laser energies is used. During the Elos rejuvenation session, the subcutaneous layers are heated to a high temperature, which stimulates the synthesis of fibers responsible for skin health and youth. This allows you to solve the problem of pigmentation, rosacea, soften the relief of the skin, correct wrinkles of varying severity.

Ultrasonic removal

A technique involving the action of a wave-like acoustic impulse on superficial and deep subcutaneous structures under the constant control of ultrasound in a monitor. At the same time, the integrity of the skin is not damaged, subsequent rehabilitation or special facial treatment is not required. The method is widely used for drooping, drooping eyelids, double chin, bumps, deep wrinkles or grooves. The disadvantage is the need for pain relief before the session.

Which devices are used - a list of the best

In order for the erection to be as effective as possible, before performing it, you should ask a specialist on which equipment the procedure will be performed. To date, known as the best:

The first device to receive FDA set up certification from SH. B. A. Before the advent of this apparatus, such a profound intervention was possible only with surgery, as the action of the apparatus is not directed at the skin itself, but at the musculo-aponeurotic layer. In this case, the visualization and continuous monitoring of the condition of the subcutaneous structures is performed.

Ultrasound device with very efficient focus and a high degree of control through deep scanning of dermal structures. Allows you to solve the problem with points, without touching problem areas. For rejuvenation, only one session is required, after which the effect increases for 2-3 months and lasts up to 1. 5 years.

Household appliances

Portable lifting devices are quite expensive, but at the same time they allow you to take care of your skin without visiting a salon. Unfortunately, such devices are not able to correct serious defects due to their low power, which is ensured for the safety of consumers. For preventive and general health purposes, it is best to use time-tested models.


  1. Cosmetology of the equipment allows you to quickly improve the condition of the skin without redness, scars, marks, significant pain.
  2. Removing equipment is a physical procedure based on the principles of impact of different types of energy.
  3. To maintain skin youth, you should repeat the course of device exposure at the frequency recommended by your doctor.
  4. When choosing a clinic or salon, special attention should be paid to the qualifications of the physician, the availability of the license to perform such procedures.