Drazen author



  • What is hyaluronic acid, how can you use it to make your skin younger, more beautiful and healthier and, most importantly, not harm your health?
    16 November 2023
  • The number of fans of Korean traditions has been growing steadily. More and more people join to the domain, watching Korean soap operas and hope to find the skin as the main characters were flawless, perfectly smooth, with a healthy glow.
    22 December 2018
  • To preserve the beauty and youth as long as possible is the dream of each and every one of us. Nature itself provides us with the possibility to prolong the youth, with its wealth of
    22 August 2018
  • The appearance of the first wrinkles can frustrate even a most confident and strong lady, but there comes a time, when the skin begins to age – this is a natural process.
    13 August 2018
  • Fading skin – an inevitable process, inevitably pending from any person. All ready for the fair sex, of this village.
    7 August 2018