Fractional laser skin rejuvenation

Fractional resurfacing is a laser cosmetic procedure in which a laser spot affects the skin, the damage is only a part of affected skin cells. Under the action of the laser beam, the surface becomes divided into micro-particles so-called faction, because of the division that this technique of rejuvenation and it received its name. To the naked eye, this separation is usually not noticeable.

What are the benefits of laser fractional rejuvenation?

Part of the cells of the skin, which was kept intact in the rejuvenation laser fractional, began to regenerate. This contributes to the quick start intensive natural processes of cell rejuvenation.

The result

In a short period of time, the skin of the face, the body is substantially completely renovated, restored and rejuvenated. There is a uniform formation of new, healthy collagen 2nd type, disappear the apparent defects and imperfections of the skin.

Fractional rejuvenation of the skin

fractional rejuvenation

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation designed to effectively rejuvenate the skin, eliminate wrinkles and various imperfections. There are two methods of rejuvenation through the use of laser fractional. Each of them is destined to solve a series of problems and is a doctor-cosmetologist, in accordance with the indications and complaints of the patient.

In the beginning of the skin of the exhibition this technique is divided into two types – ablative and non-ablative.

Ablative fractional rejuvenation

Ablative resurfacing is a controlled damage to the skin. This involves the removal of the upper layers of the epidermis layers. This technique when used in cosmetics, promotes the depth efficient update of the skin, gives you the ability to literally grow new, younger skin.

Fractional CO2 resurfacing

The laser treatment is aimed at eliminating a broad spectrum of age-related changes and ugly problem. Fractional ablative CO2 laser technique enables us to: to improve the General state of the tissues in age-related changes l'

  • visibly reduce deep wrinkles, even
  • to remove scars, scars, stretch marks, marks from acne
  • to remove several benign tumors
  • to get rid of the sagging of the skin, improve its tone

How is the procedure of laser rejuvenation fractional CO2?

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Treatment of the skin with an antiseptic solution
  3. The application of an anesthetic cream
  4. After the production phase of a session the laser fractional skin resurfacing CO2. The cosmetologist impacts on the skin with a laser device, by the flash in the entire area. The patient's eyes at the time that they are protected with special glasses.
  5. Cooling of the skin Crio Zimmer – the special apparatus, whose effects minimizes the discomfort of the intervention.

Average session duration – 20-30 min without the influence of the anesthesia. The exact duration of the procedure depends on the area being handled (face, neck and face, only to always, etc.).

After the surgery requires a rehabilitation period, which on average is 10-14 days. At this time there is renewal of the skin it forms a film and the bark that is a natural process after the exposure.

As for the skin care at home, in this period, to say-expertise. After completion of the rehabilitation period, the skin is renewed, his condition markedly improved.

Non-ablative fractional resurfacing

Non-ablative laser fractional resurfacing is another effective rejuvenation. It is the most gentle procedure that the impact of ablative laser. It differs from the ablative of the exhibition is that it does not affect the deeper layers of the epidermis.

This method does not damage the skin and does not require a long rehabilitation period. Therefore, the method of non-ablative resurfacing laser fractional promotes intensive cell renewal and a visible improvement of the skin.

Fractional laser rejuvenation Affirm


Affirm laser system was originally created exclusively for the famous patients of clinics of Los Angeles and Hollywood celebrities, the stars, the celebrities, which often have to be transformed in a short period of time and the Glitz of the red carpet. Because of this subsequent process is called Hollywood rejuvenation.

Fractional laser rejuvenation Affirm guarantees of a good result of the transformation with the least amount of time of inactivity.

The effect of the Affirm laser is aimed at combating different skin problems of the face and various areas of the body such as the neck, decollete, hands.

To adjust laser rejuvenation Affirm?

Fractional laser rejuvenation Affirm is the perfect solution for those patients who require:

  • To correct visible signs of photoaging (fine lines, sagging of the skin)
  • Significantly improve the state of the skin, increase its elasticity, to return to their tone
  • To remove pigmentation, remove scars, scars and uneven skin
  • Restore a healthy, natural skin

How is laser resurfacing of fractional unit Say?

Make-up removers and degreasing of the skin – preparatory stage required before a resurfacing procedure. Only after that is completed, the cosmetologist will begin the Hollywood session of laser fractional resurfacing. During the session, the doctor makes laser flash apparatus Cynosure Affirm on the surface of the skin in the desired area of the face or body, and then it cools the treated area Crio Zimmer.

The session lasts about 30 minutes. In the treatment laser fractional, any of the areas of the body, the duration may increase. Anesthesia to undergo this rejuvenating procedure is not necessary. The eye of the patient during the procedure protected by special glasses.

The period of rehabilitation after a course of skin rejuvenation procedures of the face and the body is minimal-a maximum of 2-3 days. At this time, the redness of the skin, it can form a small inflammation.

A noticeable effect of the procedure is non ablative laser rejuvenation is achieved even during a session that can make it the day before an important event. However, in order to consolidate the effect, and extend it recommends a course of 3-5 treatments should be repeated once a month.

Non-laser fractional resurfacing

the result

The Elite system consists of two lasers – the alexandrite and neodymium, the constant use of which contributes to the warming of the tissue, thereby stimulating the self-production of collagen. This exhibition guarantees a visible place of the effect of the improvement of the skin, even after a session.

Laser rejuvenation Elite is widely known under the name of "day-off Procedure", "Procedure of the bride." The technique does not require a rehabilitation period, due to the fact that it is often done right on the eve of important events.

What problems will help to cope with the non-laser fractional rejuvenation?

No fractional methods of Elite that helps eliminate the following problems:

  • Boring, grey, sickly color of the face
  • Tired appearance
  • Reduces the skin tone, sagging, dryness
  • A network of fine wrinkles

Before a session of makeup remover and antiseptic treatment of the skin. Only after this, the therapist starts to rejuvenate the area – provides flash the laser in the area of the face.

Procedure Elite is ideal for those patients who want instant visible effect, at the same time, for the rehabilitation there is absolutely.

You need to understand that in order to improve the resulting effect will be a course of 3-5 procedures, which should be repeated after 10-14 days.

Contraindications to laser resurfacing

Contraindications for fractional and non-laser fractional rejuvenation procedures are the same. These include:

  • So in the sun and in the Solarium (contraindicated in the period of one month before and after the intervention)
  • Receive the retinoids, and hormonal contraceptives
  • The cancer
  • Many nevi (moles)
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cosmetologist on laser fractional rejuvenation

Fractional rejuvenation of the face and body laser procedure that aims to combat effectively the different signs of aging. Depending on the condition of the skin and the wishes of the patient we offer both ablative laser rejuvenation give you the best result, but require a certain period of rehabilitation and not ablative – more gentle and, sometimes, the giver is not as pronounced result, but also very effective.

To get the best results from laser procedures, it is necessary to combine them with injection methods, for example, bioremediation.

Price of laser resurfacing

Prices for laser resurfacing depends on:

  • the type of laser resurfacing (fractional or non-fractional, ablative or non-ablative)
  • the area to be treated with laser
  • the number of laser treatments to date