Effective treatments for facial rejuvenation

Anti-aging (anti-aging) skin care facial involves a variety of treatments to rejuvenate the face and body.

Anti-aging treatments are widely practiced since ancient times. For skin rejuvenation of the Queen Cleopatra used a scrub made of sea salt with cream.

In Ancient Greece, doctors used a skin for the cow of the placenta, with dermatitis use the bell of the genitals calves, but to get rid of the pigmentation - ox bile. In Ancient Rome, used donkey milk and astringent mixture to get rid of wrinkles.

The accumulated experience of their ancestors, passed down from generation to generation and in our time has not lost its relevance. But the creation of anti-aging therapy helped in the first place, the strong development of the medicine and its areas such as cosmetology.

To help the beauticians came new technologies and the availability of modern hardware methods. All in all, it was the impetus for the formation of the whole industry in the struggle for the old age.

Currently, the basis for the development of anti-aging therapy, genetics, immunology, endocrinology, nutrition, Oncology, cosmetology, and other related Sciences.

Anti-aging therapy involves two directions:

  • Aesthetic cosmetology.
  • The rejuvenation of the body from the inside.

Aesthetic cosmetology

Includes a set of procedures aimed at external rejuvenation.

This is the different types of chemical peels, cosmetic lifting, facial contouring and liposuction body hardware cosmetology, massage with products that contain substances biologically active.

Aesthetic cosmetology

Internal rejuvenation

  • Intended for the correction of metabolism with a view to its acceleration, which helps rid the body of harmful substances, and remove the slags.
  • There are methods, which allows to deal with the aging process at the genetic level.
  • Development of a special diet aimed to increase the activity of the organism.

Modern procedures for facial rejuvenation

The type of anti-aging techniques:

  • Hardware.
  • Injection.
  • Innovative.

Injection techniques


These drugs are used to relax the muscles of the face that can effectively cope with horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, wrinkles of anger in the nose, the presence of inclination wrinkles on the surface side of the nose, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.

  • The procedure takes up to five minutes.
  • The injection is done using a fine needle into specific muscles of the face. The anesthesia is not necessary.
  • The skin after the injection is cooled with ice.

The effect comes after three to seven days. The exposure duration of the injection is not at all different from 4 to 6 months. You will then need a new injection.

Due to the fact that the muscles get used to being in a state of relaxation, the newly formed wrinkles are less pronounced.


It is a methodology, the objective of which is the saturation of the skin with the necessary vitamins and trace elements with special cocktails.

The procedure that helps to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

In response to the introduction of specially selected cocktails and mechanical stimulation of the cells of the dermis injections increases the production in the skin of elastin and collagen and the production of hyaluronic acid.

The result is a smoothing of wrinkles and the elasticity of the skin. Duration of mesotherapy intervals of 15 minutes to an hour.

Mesotherapy is an effective procedure in the treatment of age-related skin changes, stretch marks (stretch marks), scars, cellulite, rosacea, acne treatment, if you have problems with your hair and seborrhea.


The procedure is indicated for dehydrated and aging skin.


The method allows to restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin, to improve skin tone and improve the color. In fact, it is the injection of hyaluronic acid into the skin to restore water balance.

Carry out the procedure recommended for the dehydration of the skin and laxity, facial wrinkles, pigmentation, improving your complexion.


In the skin are hyaluronic acid preparations which give instant lifting effect (lifting).

The procedure is performed with local anesthesia and lasts 30 to 40 minutes. The most painful places – the area around the nose and lips.

Hardware techniques

Peeling ultrasonic

The procedure for facial rejuvenation that is used to remove wrinkles and scars.

Microcurrent therapy

This is a complex effect on the skin of the pulse modulated currents of very small amplitude.
The resulting impact is the improvement of cell metabolism, to restore the physiology of the cells of the damaged skin, the lymph and microcirculation. Procedures microcurrent therapy helps to prevent premature aging of the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Methodology the methodology of the impact of microcurrents is safe for the body.

The procedure is effective in the presence of edema of the face, the pigmentation of pink and acne vulgaris, age-related dry skin, for oily and dry skin and with scars and cellulite.

Peeling ultrasonic

Laser rejuvenation

As a result of exposure of the laser beam on the surface and the deep layers of the skin new collagen and elastin production and regenerates the damaged skin.

Laser skin resurfacing allows you to solve this kind of problems of skin, such as the removal of pigmentation, scars, wrinkles, cellulite, stretch marks the effects of acne. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, duration of 20 to 30 minutes.


The procedure is effective for all types of wrinkles. After the inspection is the increased formation of elastin and collagen fibres in the skin, causing the skin to restore a healthy, good appearance, becomes soft and elastic.

Photorejuvenation is indicated if there is skin redness, rosacea, age spots and other age-related skin changes.


The technique is an alternative to facelift surgery.

Use vehicles with radio frequency signals. The essence of the procedure is that the stimulation of the deep layers of the skin, heating it, resulting in an increase of the activity of fibroblasts, which leads to enhanced production of collagen and elastin.

Thermage is indicated by an increase of the porosity of the skin, the wrinkles and folds of the skin, to eliminate cellulite.

The procedure is performed once the development of the effect of the progressive in a few months.

Innovative techniques


In the skin of the patient is platelet rich plasma is your own blood. After penetration occurs the start-up of the mechanisms of rejuvenation of the skin. Thus begins active synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, aktiviziruyutsya metabolic processes of the cells.

The procedure is carried out by analogy with the mesotherapy:

  • The skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  • If necessary, anesthesia.
  • Are the injections.
  • Re-treatment of the skin with an antiseptic.
  • The application of the skin serum, with calming effect.

Indications for the procedure:

  • The loss of skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Scar acne treatment.
  • The restoration of skin after cosmetic treatments as well as after-sun and other influences of environmental factors.

SPRS therapy

The result of the procedure rejuvenates skin at cellular level, corrected visual skin defects.

The skin is the introduction of fibroblasts, which leads to an increased activity of its own fibroblasts.

As a result, increases the formation of collagen and the elastin fibres of the skin, as well as the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which improves the natural process of skin renewal.

Other treatments

Ozone therapy

This is a very effective method of rejuvenation.

Based on the intradermal administer oxygen, which stimulates the metabolism of cells, resulting in an intense elimination of toxins and the skin begins to breathe.


Cryotherapy (exposure to low temperatures)

Produced skin treatment ice or liquid nitrogen.

To the skin after the procedure produces a burn that is an incentive to start the synthesis of collagen in the skin, which leads to the restoration and renewal of the skin cells.

As a result, the improvement of the skin.