Fractional laser facial rejuvenation or Laser skin rejuvenation - how it works?


What is the laser laser fractional rejuvenation of skin?

Fractional thermolysis SmartXide Dot is a new laser with a point mechanism of action on the skin. The use of this laser provides an in-depth, but at the same time soft on the skin cells, leaving in its layers, smaller thermal damage, the laser stimulates the natural regeneration, causing the cells to produce new collagen.

The fundamental difference between SmartXide DOT is the presence of a large number of adjustments that allows you to control the power of the laser beam at each thermal zone, in order to adjust the distance between the points, that is to say, in order to adjust the area of coverage and to increase or decrease the exposure time of the laser beam in each zone. Laser CO2 fractional SmartXide DOT took the first place in the quality of procedures in the Congress of dermatologists in the United States in may 2009. And today it remains the most high-quality unit that performs laser fractional rejuvenation.

Why the patients prefer SmartXide Dot?

  • ->Security. When using the laser protective functions of the skin are retained in their entirety. The surrounding tissue and organs are not damaged, there is no risk of infection of the skin and the blood, in the grinding of the face. The laser light does not contain UV rays that are dangerous to human health.
  • ->Efficiency. With the help of laser fractional rejuvenation of skin is achieved a lasting effect. Improving not only the appearance, but the underlying structure of the skin, updated kollagenova - elastin framework, which helps to maintain the effect over the course of several years.
  • ->Physiology. During a laser face lift is damaged, only 20% of the skin, while the rest of the skin is included in the active process of healing and rejuvenation. The patient does not experience severe pain, in addition, because of the intensity of the laser, many problems can be solved in 20-40 minute session, after which the skin regains a fresh and healthy appearance.
  • ->The sensitivity. Laser resurfacing is the only gentle way to lift and rejuvenate the delicate skin of the neck, chest, eyelids, skin around the lips. Laser resurfacing is suitable for all skin types and is recommended for women over the age of 18 years. The laser allows you to select an individual effect on the skin, which guarantee the best results possible. The risk of tissue scarring are excluded.
  • ->A wide range of actions. The choice of laser resurfacing of the face, the price of which is calculated on the basis of the size of the treated skin, it pays less that combines therapy with any other cosmetic procedure. But due to the cost of 1-3 sessions you will be able to fully rejuvenate the skin, tighten the pores, remove scars or stretch marks. High precision and uniformity of the coating allows you to adjust the laser power and to apply it even in tissues with complex geometry: chin, nasolabial folds, Breasts, buttocks.

Fractional laser resurfacing - the price of the youth and the beauty of the skin

For a complete rejuvenation and restructuring of the skin, is to undergo 2-3 procedures of fractional thermolysis with laser SmartXide Dot. Normally, the interval between treatments is 30 to 45 days. In the end, the skin is elastic, firm and elastic. The wrinkles on both face and deep reduced visibly pores, fades pigmentation and small scars (from acne treatment). Non-surgical facial rejuvenation is shown in both as a treatment of the skin and as a prevention of the age-related changes. Patients may be women of 18 to 70 years old!

Fractional laser rejuvenation - how is the procedure?

For maximum effect you'll need from 1 to 5 sessions of laser facial rejuvenation. The procedure itself lasts from 20 to 90 minutes, its duration depends on the area of skin treated. Although facelift - non-surgical procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, which allows you to make it more comfortable, even for people with a low pain threshold. Doctor will apply modern anesthetic gel that the patient experienced discomfort. After the intervention, which may remain a slight swelling, the skin will darken and begin to peel off, the skin Healing is rapid, without the appearance of weeping wounds and the allocation of ichors. Important during the period of rehabilitation not to ignore prescribed procedures and drugs. After laser peeling is not recommended to visit sauna, swimming pool and Solarium. Avoid heavy makeup and use sunscreen regardless of the time of the year.

The process of rejuvenation of the skin progresses for several weeks after the surgery and reaches its maximum at week 3-4, when the skin is completely healed and renewed. After the intervention of laser thermolysis your skin needs competent care. You should limit time in the sun, and mandatory use of sunscreen cosmetics filter for about 30. Even if you will experience dryness, ointments on the fat content should be deleted, as they may contribute to the obstruction of the skin and slow down the process of regeneration.

Laser facial peels will not make the young, but to rejuvenate the skin! Save the result will depend on the characteristics of your skin and the care of up to 3 years!